In general, these carbs are quite easy to work on and I never had reason to separate them from the rack.
I need some better (and clean) brushes to get in the tight spots, and they are going to look great.
Don't overdo it and personally I would leave it like it is. Positioned in the windshadow of the engine the rack will collect dust again soon enough.
I'm going to order the Honda o-ring/gasket sets and reuse the brass stuff.
I have a complete set of new Honda O-rings and gaskets lying around, but I doubt I will ever use them. So far I've replaced only some little O-rings around the mainjets and some bowlgaskets. In spite of all the rough treatment they've received (trying to bring on new fuel lines), the O-rings that seal the T-joints still live. Yet if any gasket will start leaking, I don't know if I would use the new Honda O-rings I have. One could look around for viton seals as they're supposed to deal better with changing gasoline qualities. I've posted an article not that long ago where in you find explained why
changing gas properties can become a problem for seals. After bike has stood for a long time like hibernation, you can expect some leakage that often will cure itself as soon as the O-rings have swollen again. Sticking floatneedles or needles that will not close completely is another thing to expect.
Figure I'll dig through the electrical box for some stranded copper wire to push through the jets.
That's what I recommend, you can twist the stranded wire somewhat to make it firm enough, yet the material it self remains softer than the brass jets. I wouldn't dare to use harder stuff like guitar strings. These parts get damaged easily when you use anything harder than what they're made of.
About the fuellines. If yours is a CB550F or CB550F1, standard length is 17 and 28 cm ⌀ 5,5 mm.
For some reason the CB550F2 had ⌀ 5,
3 mm and had the tubes arranged differently. You may consult p. 31 in the CB550F2 Parts List found here: In general when you use standard ⌀ you will not need clips to secure the tube ends at the T-joints, if you go wider, like ⌀ 6 mm, you