While much of his references are technically disputable (or in many cases wrong)
Now you're starting to get it, Cal. By the way, as you are a "well traveled man", I have to ask just what your profession is?
Oh I got it from the onset. But he is not alone is misstating, erring, or misunderstanding things. There are plenty of contributors here who err, and some never own up to it. You cannot learn if you don’t make a mistake. Learning from the mistake shows intelligence and maturity.
My profession was high fashion runway modeling for many years. I’m retired from that now as the pressure to always look my best, the global travel, and frankly the “catty, back-biting attitudes” became too much for me. How about you?
Pictures or it never happened is the old mantra from this forum...
You know we will never see those gentlemen, as it would end up birthday and Christmas cards across the nation and around the world...heck ven CChicken might break down and smile or join in rather than being a contrary fellow...
You know Chicken, I was just seeing if you were awake yet on this beautiful day... tomorrow will be cooler and rainy as weather here turns back to 60s for the week and clouds... Clouds make marvelous sunsets here if not socked in too bad...
It is January in AZ and we are historically receiving most of our rain in winter, so let it rain, steady and long... I won't melt. Sunday 2 weeks ago we enjoyed some heavy wet snowfall mixed with rain all across town...that was nice to see.