My house built 1988, ready 1989, (I moved in 2004) is heated by hot water via pipes from a power plant producing electricity and hot water. There is a huge network of pipes all over (under) the city undergound.
(They also produce remote cold, also via pipes, mostly to offices I guess. New since a few years back)
I have heat exchangers in my garage, for tap water and radiators below each window. Pump for radiators controlled by a programmable unit where I can decide day and night temperatures, times when switching on-off.
There is a sensor on the hause norhern side that measure outside temp so the system will compensate when it turns colder or warmer. There is a variable to set how fast it should react. This is different for each house depending on insulation and leaks.
3-glass windows. Rather well insulated house. I think the outer walls are "building blocks", drywalls with foam inside. I think another layer of insulation, moisture barrier and brick walls up to 2.4m height.
The gabels have wooden plank from 2.4m up to full height, maybe 5-6m up.
Possible to add a 2nd floor. But that will need more heating. The empty space today is a good insulator. There is lots a fluffy stuff over the ceiling, min 0.5m.
This heating system the most effective here for best price.
House has 124m2 living space + 20m2 garage that is part of the house. Just walk thru the utility room.
Easy to get something done for 5 minutes or hours. Working from home helped my rebuilds.
Since the incoming hot water enter the garage where the heat exchangers are located, garage is the warmest place, 23*C winter time.
The garage should be a double plus one extra much longer where an old long US car could be stored if I should have one

Dec 26, much more snow today!
The narrow garage door in front of the car.

January 1 2024

The MESS, also called garage today. I need to remove stuff and make space for my CB750 no 3, in parts here and there. Not much missing, only some small things.

Heat wave today, now -12.6*C. Around -20*C yesterday.
But this is how I remember January and February since I was a kid.
Have memories from mid 60's and forward so I do not buy the silly talk about extreme weather.
In the 80's I usually said that we have to be prepared for constant -15*C to -20*C with some peaks below -25*C in January-February.
I remember one winter when I bicycled to my job. It felt like my cheaks hade cracked so I checked with my hand for blood.
I thought it was around -20C, did not ckeck temp before.
My colleagues mentioned -27*C that explained the feeling after only 10 minutes ride of total 15 minutes.

Think that was end of 1990's.