We transitioned from La Nina to El Nino after a 3 year cycle of La Nina and in January we transitioned to La Nina again. Typically we have less rain in La Nina... While we were in El Nino it did give us more precipitate for about 6 months in early 2024, but at least where I live the rain really was scarce for the past 6 to 8 months, only recently getting some light to n
Moderate rain and showers did not last longer than 30-45 minutes. Our summer monsoons when we have them deliver massive volumes of rain but it doesn't soak into the ground due to our soil but causes flash flooding and washes filled with water and debris...it flows south towards Mexico...
Was 86F Tuesday afternoon, a very warm ride, glad I switched to my mesh b ventilated jacket, no need for liners or layers was nice. Went to early bird happy hour at a nice Mexican restaurant I haven't been to in months as a treat and My stomach and throat didn't wanna cooperate and I was only able to drink and eat a tiny amount before boxing it. Carne Asada, calicibitas, corn tamale, guacamole, a roasted pepper, and a warm tortilla...very tasty meal. Calicibitas is a delicious vegetable medley...good corn tamales are delicious too!
I grew up enjoying corn bread and pinto beans as that was a staple we often had given its nutrition and my family having very meager income.
Arriving home with temp still being 84 was unusual...
Saw orthopedic hand specialist for my right thumb and he is sending me to get some physical therapy. Haven't been able to do some car repairs and haven't driven my car in almost 6 months...needs motor + tranny mounts and brake work and couple other minor things. Thumb has been hurting in very cold weather and rides more than 30 minutes become painful even if I shift my hand to grip the throttle with only outer hand and fingers and keep the grip light. X rays show nothing and ligament attachment isn't where the pain is located but a muscle attachment...
Sucks to get old