I thought that freezing low temperatures and plenty of snow was normal for Canada winters.
In Sweden (60* north) were I live we have had periods of winters when January and February were equal to -15 to -20*C. Some days -25*C and even colder.
I learned in the 80's that my nose will bleed if inhaling short heavy strokes (cocain style) with nose only when temp is -25 and colder.
New year eve night during a long walk home. Think it was when 1986 was born

It comes and goes.
Some winters did not have much snow, but could be freezing cold.
It usually doesn't snow much when very cold, a thin dust of white powder.
If searching for ice age it is written to have been over for 11-12000 years ago. Duration ca: 100.000 years. Brrrr!
Now a relatively short period of warmer climate, then back to ice age again.
The vikings had warmer climate than we have.
"Short" ice age after that. I hope we do not get another one even if only for 50 or 100's of years.
https://www.britannica.com/science/Little-Ice-AgeWe need a thread about how to rebuild our bikes to snow racers?
CB750 gets 0-30W oil.

Or move south....