I guess i should have been more clear about the voluntary time off with amazon.
My inside source, has been working an increased schedule since mid november. What amazon has done, is bloat up on staff for the high-demand mail order months of nov/dec. Mostly hiring eligible out of country types and teenagers, the types of workers who are easy to fcuk over cause most don't have a damn clue to begin with.
Now you'd think with the increased staff size, everyone would have a typical schedule that does not turn into a 24/7 soul-consuming affair. Haha nope! Amazon went and "blacked out" the months of nov/dec, making time off a non-option for staff. Then proceeded to place everyone into mandatory overtime, without the forementioned time and a half pay. Cause apparently everyone (in the corporate board room) agreed that $3 temporary pay raise, was a fair trade for 20 hours overtime work. (Which it may very well be in any state other than Washington)
Somehow amazon managed to weasel their way around overtime laws, and since they're not union (which a majority of their temp staff has likely never heard of) no one has the balls to start a protest over it. As management is generally a hostile threat to staff anyone, with interaction limited to "you're hired" on day one, and "you're fired" on the last day. Training and supervision is handled by coworkers, and only if you're lucky do you get some honest guidance from someone who isn't out to sabotage the employee and make themself look competent.
Did I ever mention how much i hate corporate mooks?