The darn thing had stood outside for a good deal of the time the PO owned it when I went to crack
the bleeder open it broke off. Well I went and got an easy out and followed the instructions for drill size and applied heat around it and broke the easy out off in the bleeder. So I went to the local NAPA store and got a part number BF117 which is a brake bleeder repair nipple that I learned about in the archives. Next I took a dremel tool and ball file and relieved the bleeder remants around the easy out and knocked it loose with a screwdriver/ punch. Worked like a charm, and drilled out and tapped the caliper for a 1/8 NPT thread and VIOLA. New nipple. I installed new pads and a stainless brake line from my rearset that I built a bracket for and now I have an oprational rear brake. Now it seems that Iam missing a washer or something as there is aboout a 1/4 inch gap between all of the parts that you see in the above photos. Thanks for those I am just reluctant to squeeze the swingarm down that far as it seems that I am running out of threads on the axle.