1974 CB550
-Top end rebuilt
- Coils tested and are within tolerances
- Spark plug boots are crap (reading almost 8 ohms, supposed to be 5 )
-By passed Kill switch wire ( Black and white into black)
-By passed Clutch switch ( Green and red into green)
- New and clean points properly gapped
- Using a Battery Jumper pack with the alligator clips (reading about 13volts
- Black and white Wire going to the coils is reading 11.6 volts (Is something draining it?)
- Headlamp is unplugged
- Starter motor is dead (apparently- Crossed the starter solonoid, got a big fat spark and got nothing)
-Get nothing if I press the starter switch (although the neutral does dim and the voltage at the coil junction goes to 10)
- When I kick it goes up to 11.7 volts and back down Oil pressure light comes on
-Bike is in Neutral
So thats the starting point basically. Looked at most of the other threads on this before posting and am using this diagram for wiring.
http://oldmanhonda.com/MC/WiringDiagrams/CB550.jpg*additional note, The Horn I believe is shorted out at the actual horn (wires are fine)
I have new boots coming but I think its more important as to why I'm only getting 11.6 volts at the black and white junction into the coils. I dont have the headlight on so I have no idea what could be possibly draining the system