Well, for what it's worth I have the engine mounted on the stand finally.
Took a bit of doing - mostly getting the engine up on a hoist so that I could lift it high enough to sit level with the mounts.
I can't begin to describe just how worried and anxious I was.
A few things that popped out at me during the install.
The cross-bar they provided was too long for the engine - I had to cut about 3 inches off it before it would allow the stand to cleanly mount. Of course the cross-bar wouldn't slide on smoothly either - I had to take a file to the ends to knock down the machining marks, hose it down with WD-40, then tap it in. Try doing that while you have a 150 lb engine dangling over you
But, it's on the spit as it were. I'm keeping the hoist under it until I'm confident it won't come crashing down. it rotates and does everything it's supposed to do. Now comes the fun part - actually working on the engine.