The bigger one can be used with CV carbs without issue if you split the rack. Did a pair of CX500 CV carbs without issue. Only one or two small tranducers so the tank has areas that are more effective than others. Using a sheet of aluminum foil suspended vertically shows you the hot spots. It will actually puncture the foil in hot spots. It actually will deform or reshape areas around the hot spots, hard to explain.
So, yes it is cheap but unless you drop some serious chabge for a good industrial ultrasonic then it will do smaller items just fine, just requires more interaction and limitations. Some ultrasonic machines have filtration systems to clean the bath extending its useful life. Their tranducers are much higher quality and larger and more numerous.
I used the purple Simple Green and it works well.
The white deposits in carbs near the jets are difficult to break down without an ultrasonic. Jets/brass parts removed from carbs can be cleaned with CLR, but not too long as it is very aggressive...not more than 5-6 minutes. Then polish them up. I use numbered drills to clean the holes in the jets, being careful to not cut them any larger. Carefully going up in size and stopping immediately if any sliver or chip of brass shows. This way you can get all the deposits out of the jets. It is really essential that they are clean and you will be surprised to see material that is not brass coming out of the process. Use a pin vice with the numbered drills.