I've mulled this over for a bit, but I find I'm just depressed enough today to start a thread, I hear bs out of the states about your health care system. which I haven't had to experience for 50 some odd years and for that I'm grateful. I've been told that I have an incurable form of Leukemia a thing called Myeiophibrosis apparently what it is, is something that #$%*s up your red cells to to point of scaring your bone marrow so that it stops producing red cells, so no red cells, no Oxygen transport you eventually strangle, I've also noticed that I bruise very easily, I need a couple of naps a day, and have no ambition, so all those lovely projects I've got are going to be up for grabs, any how I don't think I'll allow this to descend into a long winded whine, if I do I would expect as a courtesy some one or all, to say stop whinging you old bastard My main thing is to chronicle health care in Canada as opposed to the "Free Market" and to open up insights on getting old,
First of all my wife noticed I was getting paler and tireder so it was off to the doctor where I would do the usual tests and then talk to him about the results, as well as bikes discus a possible pub crawl through St Johns NewFoundland tell war stories and yes I'll keep a track on my blood count but you know wives they worry.
Any how over the years my blood count would dip a bit and then come back up to low, some things would help a bit but on the whole, slowly lower, then Tachycardia (heart would hit 170 bpm and a couple of times into the local hospital and get stopped and restarted a couple of times ( that is fun with a capital F ) so far the only cost parking no cost for doctors, medicine, consultants, etc., then my wife died, so all the rest was ignored. That's enough for now I may have to grab a nap. More later.
Bill the demon