Wow! Great response to this crazy project so far. Thanks everyone for props to my Dad and the welcome and encouragement to me. I in no way have anywhere near his paint and fabrication skills which I why I wanted to take it on for all the knowledge I'd gain from the mistakes I'll be making. Also to see the look on his face if (when!) I am successful.
And by the way, if you know him, don't tell him as I want it to be a surprize. Luckily he rarely touches a computer. I on the other hand, am I software architect and just customize bikes as a hobby.
Thanks slikwilli420 for the links and ideas! And thanks Zunspec for props and idea about using a new frame. I'm very much interested in hearing about these as well. I also have only see companies that are making Metisse-style dirt-bike frame and have not yet found anything about new CR frames.