There is a company in Australia that makes replacement windscreens, Eagle. They have lots of models and developed modifications to stock and stockish patterns as well as their own designs.
They can add a lip tha has an upkick at the top to deflect the wind higher off the fairing screen to give the bubble behind the screen a bit more height.
Have you checked their offerings? They have several screens for the Honda CX and GL 500/650 bikes. The CX500 with the cowling on USA models was fitted with a windscreen in other parts of the world and it was popular that way. It might have survived longer in the US with that cowl and mini screen as it transformed the plastic maggot to something that looked a bit better to a lot better. Depending upon your opinion of the maggot cowling. They carry replacements for that cowling in a few variants. So, they might have yours. Sorry I didn't think of it earlier.
Eagle Screens Australia is the company and website is