Author Topic: Usually, When Someone Mentions CZ Motorcycles, You Might Think Motorcross, But..  (Read 3847 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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       Here is a 175 that I picked up on, a few years ago. I was kind of hoping to hoping to come across an old Jawa 125-175, but the price was more than reasonable for this '73 CZ175, I couldn't pass it up. I need to get the seat recovered, but that is about it.   

    BTW, if you aren't familiar with the old Jawa/CZs, you just might have a hard time locating the kick starter. And, those who might be familiar with them, don't let on, just yet, okay? Give others a chance to see if they can figure it out.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 03:44:58 PM by bill440cars »
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Offline ekpent

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As well as motorcycles I think of their guns. Looks like it was mainly a gun manufacture till after World War 1 and to diversify starting doing bicycles and then motorcycles also. Still making guns.
   Its interesting the different companies that were making guns in the USA during World War 2. Singer, Underwood, etc etc. Maybe guns and bikes go together how about a BSA combo  ;)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 09:24:47 AM by ekpent »

Offline MoMo

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Had a Jawa, won't give away the kick start secret.  Took me a bit to figure it out after bringing  home the two bikes- I had purchased a 175 Trailmaster and a CZ 250 enduro for the princely sum of 500.  Sold both, presently own a CZ 12 gauge. Both were cool bikes.

Offline bill440cars

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As well as motorcycles I think of their guns. Looks like it was mainly a gun manufacture till after World War 1 and to diversify starting doing bicycles and then motorcycles also. Still making guns.
   Its interesting the different companies that were making guns in the USA during World War 2. Singer, Underwood, etc etc. Maybe guns and bikes go together how about a BSA combo  ;)

           Learn something new every day. I never knew they made guns. I hear you. I learned that BSA actually stood for British Small Arms, when I was a young teenager. Then, I learned that Royal Enfield also made guns. Makes me wonder who else did and still does. Kawasaki made buses and I think aircraft. Suzuki made small cars and trucks. Yamaha made musical instruments and electronic gear as well. Way back in the day, Indian had their name on bicycles and Outboard motors. The old Jawa Scramblers (6 Day Trial Bikes) and Motocross models were heavy, but packed some pretty good power though.
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Offline strynboen

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there is a heigh teck band dovn through Europa..the big car and mc factories lies as a chain dovn from sveden(..East germany)dovn to chec(cvokai) and ends in albania..under ww2 they build tanks and plane engines under licens..scoda build Mercedes engines and made very good lathes and other machining stuff...a dane started the DKW as later vent to auto union and endet up as audi..but at the Eastern side they vent to be MZ zschopau vas the city of dkw and later mz...they use the same kickstarter/gear system..and its a bit strange that you stands beside the bike to tramp the pedal..
i had a erly DKW as Young..but today i have a 1968/69 MZ 150/1-es
after the war (2)dkw motorcycles vas given to all companyes to there is variants all vorld over..but the one made home in zchopau vas the best made..

« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 12:34:40 PM by strynboen »
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
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Offline kmb69

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BTW, if you aren't familiar with the old Jawa/CZs, you just might have a hard time locating the kick starter. And, those who might be familiar with them, don't let on, just yet, okay? Give others a chance to see if they can figure it out.  ;)

Mighty hefty looking shift lever there. I'm suspecting it has something to do with it. Maybe pull it out or push it in and give it a romp?

Offline 70CB750

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You get the cookie :)
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Offline 70CB750

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As far as guns, Bren is BRno ENfield where Brno is the moravian town where CZ originated. Bren was czech machine gun adaped to 303 British.

But commie government sold czech guns and semtex (from Semtin) to any leftiest terrorist in the world.
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Offline Medyo Bastos

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i run a jawa headlight on my sohc.  swapped the bulb, and run a 2.5" mini speedo  ;D

Offline MoMo

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BTW, if you aren't familiar with the old Jawa/CZs, you just might have a hard time locating the kick starter. And, those who might be familiar with them, don't let on, just yet, okay? Give others a chance to see if they can figure it out.  ;)

Mighty hefty looking shift lever there. I'm suspecting it has something to do with it. Maybe pull it out or push it in and give it a romp?

very good deduction, I believe it was invented by Frantislav Jawa IIRC.  not sure of first name spelling....Larry

Offline 70CB750

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BTW, if you aren't familiar with the old Jawa/CZs, you just might have a hard time locating the kick starter. And, those who might be familiar with them, don't let on, just yet, okay? Give others a chance to see if they can figure it out.  ;)

Mighty hefty looking shift lever there. I'm suspecting it has something to do with it. Maybe pull it out or push it in and give it a romp?

very good deduction, I believe it was invented by Frantislav Jawa IIRC.  not sure of first name spelling....Larry

Close Larry, František Janeček.  :)

More on Jawa:

Yeah, I can't help myself :)
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Offline strynboen

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ole olsen from denmark did use java bikes/engines in the 70 and erly 80..the powerfull engines gave him..a special drive he vent long aut in the track..and speedet inn aheda the otherrs as he turned inn to the inner cirkel of the track..only a supreem engine can make this manuvre
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
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Offline MoMo

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Thanks for the clarification Prokop  and the links ;)

Offline bill440cars

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     This has brought out some interesting information on the Jawa and I appreciate all of the input. I would like to add one more feature that Jawa had, that wasn't well known. There was a mechanism on the right side of the and attached at the end of the clutch pushrod. So, when you would shift gears, the clutch would be automatically operated and you do not have to touch the clutch lever on the handlebars. I used to fake people out, by sitting at the stoplight or stop sign, with my Jawa in gear and and not touch the clutch lever, by applying slight upward pressure with my left foot and simply lower my foot quickly and leave out. And you never had to touch the clutch lever, when shifting gears. if what I just put down here, is confusing in any way, my apologies, as I sometimes have an issue trying to explain something without an example to relate to. 
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Offline grcamna2

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Would you share the secret of how the kickstart works?  :D
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Offline 70CB750

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Better you than me, Bill.

I used it and had it apart but sure will not try to explain it in English :)

Afaik there is a cam on the shifting lever and this cam works the clutch when you shift.
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Offline strynboen

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a bit like Honda"s auto clutch.hvere the pedal aktivates the more you push the pedal then less/more the clutch is arenged..vas it the ct 70 vho had it and the cup
i once had a germen wittler moped..vho had a exentric on the clutch vho vas syncroed vith the gear leveler it first set the gear,,and then slovly arenged the clutch..just by turning the handel.
.it had 2 gears turn up it gave first..and dovn it got 2 gear..and at same time kouplled the clutch inn and scratcing vas possibel at all..
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 02:37:23 AM by strynboen »
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords