Nice to see another old Indian, as a member's Dad's ride. I have no doubt, as to where I got my love for motorcycles.
My Granddad started his motorcycle shop back in 1932, selling & servicing Indians. Also,working on about anything that came through the door. Dad quit school, while in high school & Granddad put him to turning wrenches & Dad worked with him, til around the early 1960's. Granddad had his motorcycle, as did my Dad. My Dad built several, over the years. At the age of 13, When I wanted one, my Dad handed me a parts book, told me he had to build his out of parts and that was what I was going to do, IF i wanted one. I just could not even visualize my being able to do that. But, I managed it. And I was not allowed to use new parts, unless absolutely necessary. The only new gasket I could use, was a head gasket. My Dad showed me how to cut my own gaskets using a small ball peen hammer & gasket paper (No scissors allowed). Dad passed down a Very Valuable Lesson to me.