In case you missed it, he created a new profile and claimed to be 19 years old and just got his first bike, a 1972 CB750 (* to mark the coincidences). It had carb issues*. but the carbs had been on the bike since 1972*. He had new, rebuilt carbs* (though I think he claimed they were NOS).
His dad gave him the bike because of back issues, but he didn't live with his dad; he lived with his mom (profile said Scottsdale, AZ).
He had new rubber and manifolds*, and asked if he should just cut the old rubber*. He had never swapped a carb rack before* and asked if he had to mess with the air box* and linkage*.
Said the carbs were already jetted and asked if he "needed to bench sync them once they were installed".
Some of the wording was almost like he cut and pasted it from his thread(s) here. I asked him how he got the bike to Scottsdale from the U.K. so quickly, since the eBay auction was up until yesterday. He also edited every single post, which is another hallmark of his.
He did this exact same thing on the XS650 forum. When those guys sussed him out and had enough of his attitude, he created a profile and said he was from CT and had just bought his XS from "some hipster in New York" and asked the same questions he was asking under his other profile.