Too many people skipped getting enough or altogether the MMR shots and as a result it has made a huge ressurgence affecting many colleges and schools. I am heading back to school and they require proof of vacinations. My pediatrician retired when I was in college and the health department that did the majority of my shots no longer have the records of 35-50 years ago. So, I have to get all the required shots to be able to attend or sign an affadavit that I object upon religious grounds.
Problem is the immunity of the mumps vacine wears off after a few decades and they actually recommend you get a booster shot, even if you have all three rounds previously.
As a kid I had the measles and mumps. Now as an adult they are a far more kick butt disease to catch. So, I wonder if my body still has the antibodies to prevent catching it again? You can test for it but, it is an expensive test, cheaper to just get the shot.