I should have asked if it has the AFV attached to your petcock, or if it is a stand alone part elsewhere on the carb assembly? No prime setting on the petcock, so some guys just bypass it on say a CB 900 since it is a stand alone piece not part of the petcock assembly.
On other models it is part of the petcock assembly attached directly to the housing and I don't know if you can do a work around on that style. I have rebuilt a number of them since the kit is still available from K&L as an aftermarket piece, so I have never tried to rig the petcock bypass on that's style of unit.
If it is a stand alone piece then with a couple of T adaptors and some short gas hose you can bypass the AFV and just run the petcock as normal. Just remember to shut off the gas when the bike sits.
If your not into doing a repair of the broken pipe then something to plug it will work, although it will remove/render the future use of the AFV system as inoperable.