Author Topic: 76 cb550f project  (Read 11203 times)

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Offline firebane

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #75 on: June 09, 2017, 07:36:43 PM »
And you bench synched the carbs to 1/8" gap? If so, you have now confirmed that you have no vacuum leaks either?
And confirm the throttle linkage/cables are returning fully when you let go. It is not uncommon for the throttle to become bound against the grip and not shut. Likewise, the pull/push cable linkage can be preventing the slides from dropping fully.

Set to 1/8" gap yes
Cables are new and linkage is free
Rubber boots have no cracks and clamps are tight but have not confirmed air leaks.

Remember I have gone from a bike that wouldn't run without starting fluid to a bike that now runs at 3k

Couple more things I found tonight... Plugs are heavily fouled black meaning running really rich but the other thing is pipes are not consistent with temps either.

Offline firebane

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #76 on: June 10, 2017, 07:53:14 AM »
Ok, so I re-read the entire thread here. You say you had the carbs apart and cleaned them well 3 times. But you never indicate what size jets, or needle positions. You posted earlier that the plugs were badly fouled, but haven't yet shown plugs since cleaning them up.

Even if the jets are stamped with the correct numbers, its possible the PO drilled them out, or re-jetted using non-stock brand/sizes. Given the torment that bike has seen in its life, I would have the carbs FULLY disassembled and cleaned. Since it used to require Starter Fluid to run, that tells me they are wicked clogged up. Now the bike won't idle below 2k, so there's a strong indication of improper fuel metering.

Can you provide the carb stamping number (right side of #4) so all adjustment advice is relevant to your carbs.

I will be pulling carbs again today and doing a heavy once over of all things. I don't believe anything has been drilled or modified by the PO and the carbs are the 069a for the 550f

Offline Stev-o

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #77 on: June 10, 2017, 12:26:43 PM »

 I don't believe...

You are leaving room for doubt.  When properly trying to diagnose an issue, cannot overlook anything. 
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline firebane

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #78 on: June 10, 2017, 03:00:08 PM »
So I pulled everything todat and everything is fine and stock. Needle clip was up 1 so put that back in the middle.

Before putting the carbs back on decided to do cam chain and well #$%*. :(

Basically this

No matter what I can not undo the nut which from reading means the tensioner is hosed :(

Offline firebane

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #79 on: June 11, 2017, 07:28:14 AM »
So I pulled everything todat and everything is fine and stock. Needle clip was up 1 so put that back in the middle.
These 2 sentences disagree with each other.  :-\
How did you confirm the jets were stock and unmodified? Did you remove the pilot jets and clean the emulsion tubes?

Apologies. I when I did the cleaning in the winter I probably moved them so dropped them back to middle position. Going through again I did find the emulsion tube on #1 was missed so cleaned that up.

I also think I may not have had the carbs on all the way as I found they would go on further to the point the carb bracket would touch the boot.

I also found that in fact my aux tank does flow slower or faster depending on how far you open it so I won't open it as far in hopes to not flow faster than the bike needs.

Offline NobleHops

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Re: 76 cb550f project
« Reply #80 on: June 11, 2017, 08:31:45 AM »
Open it all the way. The float needle valves manage the supply to the bowls.
Nils Menten * Tucson, Arizona, USA

I have a motorcycle problem.

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