When my Dad passed, I inherited his place, which included a built on 2 car garage that he had made "Double Length" and added a dividing wall, that was a 2 piece structure, so that the Shop could be separate from the garage, when the weather was cold & he could heat the "shop" area, easier than heating the whole thing. Anyway, I KNEW my Dad was a "Collector" of sorts and I understandably followed in his foot steps. So, when I started trying to incorporate My tool boxes, tools & equipment into the Garage/Shop, I found I had quite a feat on my hands. The Garage/Shop had no room! So, I did a look around and didn't take long to realize that my Dad and I had a lot, of the same tools and such. So, I started looking through what he had and compared that to what I had and quickly decided that I needed to sell what I could, of the "Doubles". So, I went through a lot of those things and decided to keep certain things of his and certain things of mine and try to sell the rest. That went pretty well. And so, between what I sold and what was actually just junk, I was able to pretty much get my tool boxes, shelving and such, in some sort of arrangement. So now, I am at the point that I need to clear some more out, so I can better set things up and get the rest of my motorcycles and parts here and get some kind of organization going, so I can function. I STILL have quite a bit of "Actual Junk" piled up here and there. And things like a 2 door metal cabinet with shelves, that I could put to good use, but it is filled with lots and lots of "Spray Cans of paint and such. There are several old batteries here, lawn mower parts, 2 old junk riding mowers, a tiller and it just goes on and on! I am making SOME headway, but it sure is slow going. ::)At this point, I am sorta wishing that he and I weren't such good "Collectors"!
My "Collection" got thinned down quite a bit, before I got here, wish his had. LOL Anyway, still trudging along.... and when I (if I ever do) reach the point to where I can start wrenching on my Motorcycles and cars again, I'll be mighty happy. BTW, been working on this for over 3 years now. Of course, Life & Wife interrupts now and then. But my Wife has been very understanding and That helps.