That's more like it Stev-O!
You haven't been spending enough on bikes to have a fridge stocked that well! (Before pic)
Or, hasn't the wife been clothes, shoes, or jewelry shopping lately?
Even with the 370Z toy you bought yourself, er I mean her with the hearing aid inducing sound system you have been drooling over pulling the trigger is about priorities I guess.
Seriously, nice selection to choose from and being able to type after that level of consumption could be challenging.
Eric, truely horrid photo. That fridge is something else.
I joke, the HondaJet is will be interesting to see its success in sales. A company spends multi-millions in the FAA type approval certification process in the preproduction prototypes flight test and certification programs before they can begin production and sales.
I will be interested in its first five years in production as to the number of sales and orders and if they encounter any unknown issues or if they have a smooth transition. It will be interesting what maybe in the pipeline after the initial HondaJet if it is a great success.