I use a shop local to me, and have had numerous members ship their cylinders to them/me for boring. Runs about $150 for boring/honing and decking.
Let me know if you'd like their info (Richmond, VA).
I went through calj737, turned out great!
I had similar experiences in IL you think in a densely populated area you'd be able to find someone to bore your cylinders. Everyone I went to I had to call a couple weeks later only to find out they can't do it. I don't know much about machining but it seem like you
should know your capacity before taking a job on. I realize they have bigger fish to fry but it doesn't take more than a minute to call and let someone know sorry we can't do it. After about 3 months I got fed up and went through the forum.
One of the machinist genuinely felt bad and admitted he messed up, he now helps me out for free
with stupid things like broken bolts or like loosing my oil pressure switch because he had a special socket to grip it.