So I tracked down two types of single side swing arms of the VFR RC36. And I'd like to ask you all some advise on which one to choose.
Both have slightly different fitting / width. I measured that the fitting between the two axle holes on my CB are 23,7mm.
Type one of the VFR rear end measures 22,8 mm
The other 24,2 mm
I'm temped to choose the one thats slightly under the required width and fill up the gap with spacers to match 23,7 mm.. : any reasons thinkable why I shouldn't?
Also I noticed that there's a bracket on the swing arm to attach the/a shock onto, which might make the build a little less complicated.
In the PS version I noticed the shock appears to go "through" this hole in the swing arm and this in turn needs a complicated customisation to keep it in place:
Any thoughts of you guys on why KDI might have gone down this road other than having a taller shock, or having it installed low in the frame as it is?
It's very difficult to make out in the pictures how exactly they they designed the geometry of the lower part.. Has any one ever seen a similar approach and would you be able to point me to images of that instance?