Bike is an '85 VF500, but these calipers were used on many models and are similar to other makes, as well.
I had to pull what Honda calls the "collar" because they were rusty and gummed up. They didn't move like they should. It's the barrel shaped piece in the pic.
I canNOT get this thing back together. The caliper and grooves are clean, the collar is lubed with brake assembly grease, the collars are brand new OEM Honda. I can get the boots in the grooves in the caliper, but they stick up just enough to snag on the collar and roll under. OR...I can get them on the collar and then I can't get them past the caliper body and into the inner groove.
Tips or tricks?
This is a "before" pic. It's supposed to look like this. There's a groove inside the caliper and a groove on the collar. There are corresponding ridges inside the rubber boot.