Author Topic: Need help! Cb550k carb issues!  (Read 593 times)

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Need help! Cb550k carb issues!
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:36:48 PM »
I purchased a 77 cb550k around a year ago and have slowly been working to get it running. After finally getting her going, she did not seem to ever run correctly. I've cleaned the carbs but it does not seem to help what I believe is a carb related issue
The bike has individual pod filters and a 4 to 1 exhaust with a big baffle on the end.

The issues
The bike starts up after a few kicks (electric start isn't setup) with the choke on and seems to run great for about 5 minutes then it starts to bog out and slowly die. I can kick it over quite easily afterwards, but it bogs out and dies really quickly. If I take the choke off the bike wont run even if I try to keep it going with the throttle. After a few tries of starting it and running it till it dies out, it will not kick over at all.

I plan on getting new jets because I bought the bike from lower elevation (I'm at 5500ft) and playing with the idle screws to see if that'll help.

I really don't know much about carburetors, or 70s hondas so I am learning from sohc4 and YouTube. I really want to get her running so I can at least go for a test ride.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks!