The carbs I took off are PD 1AOF.
The bike is pretty new to me. I bought it from someone who rebuilt the top and bottom end of the motor. P.O. installed a 836 kit with a race cam, he also said he replaced the bottom end bearings. I don't know why he rebuilt the motor other than to make it a hot rod, maybe there was a problem with it ? I'm not sure. His work space/garage was spotless and his tools were quality and he was pretty anal. This led me to believe he did a good job on the rebuild, not to mention he replaced the wheel bearings, swing arm bushings, triple tree bearings, rebuilt and polished master cylinder, caliper, laced the wheels, rebuilt forks, clean wiring... with a ton of new, still in the bag, Honda, nuts bolts screws, gaskets, He put the bike back together and realized the frame was bent, threw up his hands and sold it to me pretty cheap. .
I straitened the frame put the carbs on and fired it up for the first time since the rebuild, runs great on three cylinders.
I put starting fluid in and no fire on #1 again. I'll do the valves again but wondering if he ever timed it? Dyna electronic ignition plate was not bolted down tight, maybe TDC is not correct according to the plate where the points used to be?