Author Topic: 82 CB650SC Kerker 4 into 2 exhaust ( baffles installed) , stock air box  (Read 1041 times)

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Offline Brian Di Dio

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Running stock engine, filter box, etc but PO installed a Kerker 4 into 2 exhaust system.  Bike pops a bit coming off throttle and pipes seem a bit blue which I understand can be a sign of running too lean.  Should I rejet and if so, what would suggested sizes be?

Also, I am considering going to pod filters and I know that would have to rejet for that.  Recommended sizes if running Pod filters with Kerker 4 into 2 exhaust.?

Thanks, Brian

Offline Jimray23

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Typical Exhaust Changes:

+2 main fuel jet size for custom 4-into-2 exhaust


+4 main fuel jet sizes for 4-into-1 exhaust


+4 main jet sizes for no muffler (open headers)

Typical Intake Changes:

+2 main fuel jet sizes for single K&N filter (inside a stock airbox)


+2 main fuel jet size for drilling holes in the airbox with stock filter


+4 main fuel jet sizes for individual pod filters (no airbox)

Additional changes:

- Add up all the main fuel jet size increases and subtract 2 sizes.

- Decrease main fuel jet size by 2 sizes per every 2000' above sea level.

- Under a mis-match condition, such as when using pod filters with a 100% stock exhaust, or 4-into-1 header with stock filter and air box, then subtract 2 main fuel jet sizes.


Pilot fuel jet size changes are related only to the change in main fuel jet sizes according to the main fuel jet size formula described above. Note that this pilot fuel jet rule is for the main fuel jet size change BEFORE any main fuel jet altitude compensation is factored in:

Increase the pilot fuel jet size +1 for every +3 main fuel jet size increases.

Additional changes:

- Decrease pilot fuel jet size by 1 for every 6000' above sea level.


- Make sure your carbs are in perfect working order before making jet changes....meaning fully cleaned internally and rebuilt, operating properly in their stock configuration, proper sized air jets and needles, etc. Otherwise, you'll like find that all of your efforts are going to be a HUGE waste of time.

- Check plug color often and adjust as needed, 2 main fuel jet sizes at a time and 1 pilot fuel jet size at a time. Bright white plug insulators are a sign of an overly lean fuel mixture condition and WILL cause damage to your engine over time, up to and including engine seizure!

- Synch the carbs after each jet change.

- Make sure the floats are set correctly

- Seriously consider purchasing a Colortune Plug Tuning kit.

- You may find it necessary to make changes to the size or shimming of the main jet needle. There are no guidelines on what or how to do these changes, this is true trial-and-error tuning!


A 1982 XJ550RJ Seca using an aftermarket Supertrapp 4-into-1 exhaust and a single K&N air filter in the stock, unmodified airbox. Bike is primarily operated at an altitude of 2600 feet above sea level.

XJ550 Seca Stock Mikuni BS28-series Carb Jetting:

#112.5 Main Fuel Jet
#35 Pilot Fuel Jet
#70 Main Air Jet
#170 Pilot Air Jet
4GZ11 Needle


Changes made:

4 into 1 with Supertrapp = +4 Sizes Main Fuel Jet

K&N Pod Filters = +4 sizes Main Fuel Jet
Equals: +8 main fuel jet sizes above baseline
Subtract: -2 main fuel jet size per formula above
Equals: +6 main fuel jet sizes due to modifications, thus:

Stock main fuel jet size is: #112.5
+ 6 additional sizes
= a #118.5 main fuel jet size
Subtract: -2 main fuel jet sizes for Altitude of 2500' Average

= #118.5 calculated from above
-2 jet sizes for altitude adjustment

= a #116.5 main fuel jet size.


The formula is: +1 pilot jet size increase for every +3 main jet sizes increased.

Stock pilot fuel jet size is: #35
+ 2 additional jet sizes (since we went up +6 main fuel jet sizes before the altitude compensation was factored in):

= a #37 pilot fuel jet size.

Note that no altitude compensation is needed on the pilot fuel jet since our elevation is less than 6000' a-s-l.

1979 kz1000b ltd
    stage 3 cams
    pod air filters
    4-1 open exhaust(no muffler)
    full rewire
    dyna-s ignition
    dyna 3 ohm coils

Offline Jimray23

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With that being said, until you go to pods, you can probably set the air screw to get the correct a/f ratio

1979 kz1000b ltd
    stage 3 cams
    pod air filters
    4-1 open exhaust(no muffler)
    full rewire
    dyna-s ignition
    dyna 3 ohm coils

Offline Bankerdanny

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 Air screws typically only impact idle mixture and won't change the mixture at typical operating throttle openings
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they're true" - Abraham Lincoln

Current: '76 CB750F. Previous:  '75 CB550F, 2007 Yamaha Vino 125 Scooter, '75 Harley FXE Superglide, '77 GL1000, '77 CB550k, '68 Suzuki K10 80, '68 Yamaha YR2, '69 BMW R69S, '71 Honda SL175, '02 Royal Enfield Bullet 500, '89 Yamaha FJ1200

Offline flybox1

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Running stock engine, filter box, etc but PO installed a Kerker 4 into 2 exhaust system.  Bike pops a bit coming off throttle and pipes seem a bit blue which I understand can be a sign of running too lean.  Should I rejet and if so, what would suggested sizes be?  If your A/F mixture is correct, it wont pop.  Dont go throwing jets at it until you verify a few things....Complete a clear tube test of the bowl fuel levels, and correct if needed.  complete a idle plug chop and adjust IMS as needed.  Once done with both of these....see if it still pops on decel.  A lot easier than counting on your fingers through all that DO THE TON thread to figure out what jets you might need

Also, I am considering going to pod filters and I know that would have to rejet for that.  Recommended sizes if running Pod filters with Kerker 4 into 2 exhaust.?  NO, dont.

Thanks, Brian
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

Past Bikes
1974 550K0 (stock), 1973 CB350F (stock), 1983 Yamaha XS400K (POS)
77/78 cool 2 member #3
"Knowledge without mileage equals bullsh!t" - Henry Rollins

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