Nope haha easy to confuse though. It's worded kind of weird.
Anyways today I lapped the intakes, tested them, put the head all the way together and dropped it on the motor. It's held on right now with 4 bolts just to hold it all together. Im going out riding this weekend on the Dirtbike so have to change gears and work on that (needs a steering bearing and a new seat cover cause theres a tear that will get worse fast). So this is getting pushed to the side until Sunday.
Disregard the mess, it's clean now haha.
Here's the new bike, I just threw a shock bearing in, tomorrow I'll be doing the steering bearing, a new fender (I'm not sure how but he cracked this one) a new shroud and of course graphics (gotta look good when you ride right? 😂 I got lucky with this thing, 4 hours on a fresh build and all the papers to prove it.
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