Back on the road, thankfully it was simple. This is purely my neglect. Started with the intake system as advised, and found out that the cause was a clogged up air filter and a gunked up throttle body. Changed the filter, cleaned the MAF sensor, throttle body, and the sensor right at the TB. Runs and idles buttery smooth again. The air filter wasn't due for a change for another 1K miles, but its possible that dirt and pollution have gotten worse in the area. I used to clean the TB, sensors and other electricals (in fact the entire engine) once a year, but have slacked off in the last few since I got busy with the CBs. I took it in to my buddy's shop to have them closely inspect all the hoses and so far they're all good.
The car is pushing 235K and I really ought to get a newer one, but I can't get over it. It is the one constant that has failed me the least over the past decade. Just not ready to give it up yet. As always, thanks a bunch friends, advice here has always proved invaluable.