In the state of Vermont you can pass people on double yellow lines, IF you maintain the speed limit and do so safely.
Yesterday some moron decided I wasn't going fast enough and passed me on a corner, while 3 cars were in the oncoming lane.
He forced me to the side of the road. Then when I stayed on his tail (3-5 car lengths back) to get his license plate number,
he continually drove against the side of the road to kick up sand, dust to blind me for 3 miles.
Then he does it again: passes a car with oncoming traffic, forcing the oncoming cars to slow down, drive to the side of the road.
I confronted him in town, and he was a real jerk. I would be interested to see if the police actually did talk to him as he stopped about 100 feet from the police station.
Wonder if him driving a Volvo has anything to do with it. I know several mechanics whom will not work on these cars because they have found the owners are usually jerks.