Author Topic: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?  (Read 7611 times)

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Offline azuredesign

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How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« on: December 12, 2006, 08:56:46 PM »
I replaced my clutch springs today and didn't get close to the  recommended 6-7 ft lbs of torque recommended before I sheared one of the bolts.  I tightened the bolts counterclockwise and equally a turn at a time as directed. While I was able to extract the broken piece, I'd rather not repeat my mistake. Does anyone have any recommendations for tightening the bolts?
Thanks for any help and happy holidays,

Offline scunny

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 09:06:57 PM »
if it's shearing that easy I would guess the bolts are trashed (it happens)
for peace of mind replace them.
and what Terry said see below  :
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 09:31:06 PM by scunny »
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 09:16:54 PM »
Mate, check your torque wrench again, 6-7 ft lbs is next to nothing, so there's no way you would have broken a good OEM 6mm screw with 6-7 real ft lbs.

I was expecting you to say you'd broken the finger/s off your pressure plate, (the little alloy plate with the centre bearing and 4 x 6mm holes for the screws to pass through that sits outboard of the springs)this is very common, when people tighten the bolts down unevenly, so make sure you pay some attention there when you get the broken piece of 6mm screw out. Cheers, Terry. :)
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Offline DaveInTexas

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 09:26:37 PM »
I didn't realize it but had things misaligned when I was cranking mine down too much......the pressure plate itself broke.  I would have sworn I had it all together correctly; I'm a pretty careful person -  but I didn't.
I would consider disassembling everything and 'playing' with it until you are sure of how it all can sit; properly and improperly....that's the only way I could learn how to ensure it was all seated correctly.
Its not an assembly that 'just slides into the correct position every time'. 

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 11:01:38 PM »
Make sure you have the right springs also. I bought new springs which turned out to be the wrong springs. I'd like to personally thank the kid behind the Honda counter that knows what the hell he's doing at this time. He even told me he did. Apparently slightly too long. Used a torque wrench both times (broke 2, yeah TWO lifter plates), tightened in sequence a little at a time too. You'd think I would've learned the first time. Your bolt must have already been ready to let go. Thats a hell of a lot cheaper and much easier to replace that the clutch lifter plate (what I think Terry meant when he called it a pressure plate). 
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 11:05:17 PM by RxmanGriff »
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Offline eurban

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2006, 04:38:25 AM »
If you haven't actually pulled the clutch apart you won't have to worry about this but the clutch "backer" which has the threaded towers that your screws go into can be intsalled properly so that its teeth mesh with the clutch "center" or it can be installed improperly so that its teeth don't mesh.  Make sure you have it meshing properly if you have taken things apart completely.  I have also found that once you get just a tiny bit of tension on all four springs that your should jiggle and pull the clutch backer (via the towers) towards you.  That will pull it into a fully meshed position.  Now that it is meshed you can tighten the bolts in a crosswise patten observing that the pressure plate stays fairly even in the housing.  Don't do more than a couple of turns at a time.  Good luck.

Offline azuredesign

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2006, 05:01:44 AM »
Thanks for your help, but I was looking for some way to tell when the bolts were adequately tightened. I'm pretty sure my torque wrench is accurate, but will test it on something else first. I only had 5 lbs on the wrench. The difficulty I think, is that the springs offer resistance which makes it hard to tell when the bolts are completely threaded ???. I was not aware that the plate could be damaged by uneven tightening, but was careful to do so evenly. I did order new bolts though.
Thankis again for your help,

Offline eurban

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2006, 05:19:08 AM »
The lifter plate must be drawn into complete contact with all four towers before proper torque can be acheived.  You aren't just tightening the bolts against spring tension.  Once you get close you will notice that the bolt is firming up as the lifter plate contacts the tower.  When all four bolts feel like they are firming up, then you torque to the proper setting.  "Dry" fit it without the springs to see how it should go together.  As I and others have mentioned, if you don't tighten evenly or if you don't get the backer properly meshed up to start with, the lifter will be unable ot contact the towers properly and you will either crack it or snap a bolt.   

Offline nteek754

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2006, 07:19:32 AM »
Hey all yup 30 years ago I broke an ear off the pressure plate and I remember  years after I sold an extra one to a buddy that did the same now  when I am  reinstalling clutch plates I will  before  I even put the pressure plate in position I will put  longer 6mm bolts or screws (2) of them and kinda shake back and forth while pulling towards you  and especially this past summer I put a raceing clutch with longer springs in and I had to actually start two longer bolts  acrossed from each other just to suck it in enough to start the stock bolts in the other two  holes  then of coarse back the two long ones out and  put in stockers and carefully start tighting them all a bit at a time  but like someelse said  getting  the backer plate all the way out into proper position is crucial I one time was tighting  the four pressure plate bolts  and all of a sudden  I heard a snap  nope it wasnt the ear it must of been the backing plate snapping into its proper  position  (I got  lucky) cause there was no ill effects  have fun seven fifty four ever Craig in Maine
seven fifty four ever its not the destination its the journey Ive been collecting these old dinasours for 33 years . they are quite an ICON

Offline azuredesign

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Re: How to tighten clutch plate bolts after replacing springs?
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2006, 08:48:08 AM »
The lifter plate must be drawn into complete contact with all four towers before proper torque can be acheived.  You aren't just tightening the bolts against spring tension.  Once you get close you will notice that the bolt is firming up as the lifter plate contacts the tower.  When all four bolts feel like they are firming up, then you torque to the proper setting.  "Dry" fit it without the springs to see how it should go together.  As I and others have mentioned, if you don't tighten evenly or if you don't get the backer properly meshed up to start with, the lifter will be unable ot contact the towers properly and you will either crack it or snap a bolt.   

Thanks!  Fitting without the springs is a good idea, I'll do as you suggest
Best regards,