Walmart might be a decent gig there in E Texas. I dont know. Never been there. 
Anyone working at Walmart around here is typically pretty high on the 'crazy' part of the spectrum 
IIWM, 25 years ago, I would have already asked her out. Just sayin' 
Yes. The Walmart near me has an equal balance of employee and customer craziness. Every time I walk in there (which isn't often) I see bizarre activity. It's a great place to peoplewatch. Last time I was in there I saw one of those Muslim women in all black with just the eyes exposed. The child was dressed the same, but the husband or father was wearing timberlands, a flannel, and gold chains like a rapper. The lady at the register looked like the one chick from "my 600lb life". Let me clarify, nothing against fat, or Muslim, but these two were ridiculous.
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