I moved the needles down one notch from they where previously, the bike now needs a tab of choke to start and afterwards the exhaust isn't gassy smelling like it used to be, with the screws out 3/4 turns the bike now idles at around 2000 rpm on start up and after it gets hot they go down to around 1300-1500, it bounces a bit. I'm checking the rpm with the original tach, for the moment the carbs are only bench synced, I used a 1.3 mm allen key to set the lowest point. Carbs are all stock, should I recheck timing and reset accordingly?
If you strobe light set to the idle timing marks while it was on the advance cam, then yes you must redo the timing.
As I recall, there is no master carb for the 400. So the drill bit or allen key sync does ensure the slides can reach the bottom of the carb bore, and this can force a high idle that the idle stop screw can't correct.
You have to pick a master carb from the bunch, back way out the idle screw and adjust the master carb so it can reach the carb bore floor. Lock down the master and remember not to fiddle with it again thereafter. Use the idle screw to lift the master slide to your drill bit/allen size, and then adjust the other three to be the same as the master.
I use a bright light on the far side of the carb throat, instead of the drill bit/allen technique when the carbs are off the bike. No risk of marring the slides or carb bore with hard metal objects. The slide blocking the light ensures the slides can close later leaving the idle screw as the dominant idle speed control.