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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2017, 10:29:07 AM »
^^^ looks like a nice place to do LESS  ;D
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2017, 02:57:39 PM »
very nice accommodations :)  enjoy retired life Lloyd :P...Larry

Offline dusterdude

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2017, 05:12:07 PM »
Welcome back brother

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Offline NobleHops

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2017, 09:13:16 PM »
How near or far will you be from Tucson?
Nils Menten * Tucson, Arizona, USA

I have a motorcycle problem.

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Offline TwoTired

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2017, 09:31:48 PM »
How near or far will you be from Tucson?
3 1/2 to 4 hour drive.
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2017, 09:44:02 PM »
How near or far will you be from Tucson?
3 1/2 to 4 hour drive.

Bummer, but even so, welcome to the 'neighborhood', and good luck with the rest of the move.
Nils Menten * Tucson, Arizona, USA

I have a motorcycle problem.

My build thread: NobleHops makes a 400F pretty for his wife:

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2017, 09:51:22 PM »
How near or far will you be from Tucson?
3 1/2 to 4 hour drive.
IIRC, you had been considering the Chino Valley/Paulden area?
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2017, 10:26:19 PM »
I have a Chino Valley address, now.
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2017, 09:14:34 PM »
Lloyd... come to the meet-up in Durango (Loreto ) CO in August, I want to shake your hand ;).... Chino AZ ?

« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 09:22:02 PM by Spanner 1 »
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2017, 07:15:12 PM »
Oh wait, Two Tired won't see that ^, I think he blockled me years ago  ::)
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline TwoTired

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2017, 08:10:27 PM »
I can block people?  Do tell me more about that!
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2017, 09:14:28 PM »
Uh, "Loreto"?  Huh?

The first SOHC4 Reunion is at Dolores River Campground near Dolores which is what 45 miles to an hour (don't recall exactly) west of Durango.  It will be nice as poking about on Google Street View in the area and some nearby roads it is a great area.

Lloyd, is Spanner1 on your block list?

Very cool place you have and that shop is going to be fabulous, you are going to have a great life there I am sure.  Scottly is in Northern AZ, don't recall if he IDs the city in his profile so, I'll refrain from sharing...  ToyTough is over near Bullhead City a scorcher in the summer, more like
Las Vegas or Yuma.  Yuma is brutal in summer, having been through there in summer with an auto without AC and 120F is not fun, when the car heats up from the sun being far warmer and the sauna heat for a lengthy time can make you sick, have headaches, or worse (beyond the dehydration unless you are drinking a lot of water the whole time.)

You will have to become accustomed to drinking non carbonated and non caffinated, and definitely not sweet drinks when living in a hot climate like Southern AZ and desert temps...even if Chino Valley isn't desert it will be different from what you were accustomed to in San Jose area.  I have been in San Jose a few times and it was nice...radically different from every part of AZ I explored while living in Southern AZ.

Become familar with the snakes in your area to be able to recognize them so you have less of a chance having an unfortunate outcome to meeting one. AZ is home to 16 species of rattlesnakes and there are other poisonous snakes as well.  The Mohave Viper and Western Diamondback being two of which that tend to have the most fatalities.  The Mohave Viper/Mohave Green/ Mohave Rattlesnake has a neurotoxin instead of a hemoragic toxin, it takes 10-12 hours for that toxin to have its full affect but if you have not been administered more than two vialsof the $2500-3000/vial  antivenom hours and hours prior you are likely to die from the bite.  The Western Diamondback delivers a very large toxin dose when they bite and it can overwhelm most unless give the anti-venom.  Very dangerous for children and smaller individuals sometimes even when administered the anti-venom it can have some nasty things to rehab or work through in recovery.  I hate snakes...had a few strike at me in their life and some unpleasant interactions as a small child.

Do they have Scorpions or Tarantulas where you will be living?  The former can be a real problem in some areas but the later are really cool and fun to watch and even interact with...  Scorpions can be fascinating to watch but often result in trips to hospital when stung...I have seen small scorpions that were partially transparent almost and they were so well camoflauged on all kinds of surfaces...they just blend in really well.  Even the tiny ones can inflict a nasty sting.  Life threatening for small kids as they often don't just sting you once.

But enough of those unpleasant topics...hope the rest of the move and settling in goes well.
It is good to see you back on the forums and hear from you.


Lloyd... come to the meet-up in Durango (Loreto ) CO in August, I want to shake your hand ;).... Chino AZ ?

David- back in the desert SW!

Offline TwoTired

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2017, 11:11:58 PM »
Lloyd, is Spanner1 on your block list?
I don't see how.  Don't have anyone on my ignore list...yet.
...And I see his posts here.

Very cool place you have and that shop is going to be fabulous, you are going to have a great life there I am sure. 
Thanks David,
We are pretty happy with the new digs.  We've made several moving trips so far and spent about 4 or 5  three week intervals in the new place.  Most of it's been playing catch up on the myriad maintenance items items regarding the property.  It's all little stuff, but there is more of it than I realized.  Intercom repair, Door fitment, Mower maintenance/repair, irrigation system maintenance, etc.  I haven't even started fixing up the JD tractor not that it needs much.  I also bought Judd Lotts' entire woodshop equipment from Prescott.   (  I still have to set that all up.  And yes, I think I could make walnut side covers.  :)  [/quote]

Become familar with the snakes in your area to be able to recognize them so you have less of a chance having an unfortunate outcome to meeting one. AZ is home to 16 species of rattlesnakes and there are other poisonous snakes as well. 

I've been made aware of rattlesnake possibilities.  Though the former homeowner didn't relay any encounters when asked.  I've seen no sign of them so far. And I don't think they'd like being so exposed on my big lawn.  Still, the previous owner had dogs in the yard.  I don't expect an australian sheppard would allow any snake to saunter about the 5 acres.  Maybe I'll have to get a dog.
I sure wish gopher or king snakes would move in.  I speculate the abundance of gophers means that the snakes are mostly elsewhere.  But, I hear you.  The fricken weeds grew a foot a week while I was gone this spring.  Plenty places to hide there.  The tractor has a brush hog and so far I've been able to keep the weeds pretty low around the periphery of the land.  The snakes would have to crawl a long way in the open to find a descent hiding place.  I wonder what my resident Ravens would do to an encroaching snake in their territory.

Do they have Scorpions or Tarantulas where you will be living? 

I haven't seen those.  it wouldn't surprise me to find them here, though.  But, I have seen Black widows hiding in the irrigation valve box.  She lost, by the way. And I have a nice new valve in there. ;)

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2017, 01:15:27 AM »
BW spiders arent as bad as most make them out to be, the kattidids here come in our garage to find and eat the brown " wolf" spiders that are prevalent here.  You have to be more concerned with a brown recluse spider bite, they are nasty.  Catch the BW spiders in a jar and give them to the elementary or middle school office for their science teacher.  They can familiarize the kids with them or teach them about the spiders. 

Many times the tarantulas can be handled gently, they have to get used to you and you don't pose a threat.  They will bite if cornered or feel threatened. They have personalities like many other animals.

If you get a dog have them snake trained so they will alert you to a snake but won't try to attack it, as they generally lose.  Often they smell them before they see them as they have an odor you and I aren't able to detect as easily, especially in open spaces.  Naturally, snakes smell you generally before they see you...they don't see like you or I do.

David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2017, 09:00:21 AM »
Keep a shovel handy in case of snakes.
A quote from a sohc4 aussie on the matter;

A shovel is more effective than a gun when you're #$%*ting yourself!

And, thanks for dropping knowledge here Two Tired.

Offline TwoTired

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2017, 09:21:10 AM »
Oh wait, Two Tired won't see that ^, I think he blockled me years ago  ::)

I blocked everyone years ago, by not visiting the site.

I think maybe I came back due to dementia, alzheimer's, or something else I can't remember....  Er, what was I saying?

 :) :( :) :( ??? :-\ :'( :)
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Offline Johnie

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2017, 10:21:20 AM »
Hey Lloyd...I like the new digs! Neat to not have any neighbors either. Like the rural feel you have there. When you hosting the big SOHC house warming: beer, brats, burgers, tune ups. :)
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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2017, 11:51:22 AM »
Keep a shovel handy in case of snakes.
A quote from a sohc4 aussie on the matter;

A shovel is more effective than a gun when you're #$%*ting yourself!

And, thanks for dropping knowledge here Two Tired.

+2 on the last comment...

I always found a shotgun would make quick work of any snake, normally one trigger pull did the job. You can buy snake shot for many handguns.  A friend back in Southern AZ has his wife's large caliber handcannon loaded with snakeshot as she does not want to kill anyone she shoots whom might be invading their home and she wants to persuade them it would be in their best interest they depart from the premises toot quick.  So, they reverse tracks or go away...   Most don't have that hesistancy as one party goer who decided to come across a fence in an alley way in Sierra Vista with the resident on their back porch and the guy was fleeing police whom were descending upon the party to break it up for noise and alcohol being consumed by underage drinkers.  Shane made a poor choice and advanced on the property owner after being ordered to stop and return from whence he came. He did not comply and they felt threatened and was shot dead.  There were many who felt that was murder and not self defense or defensible shooting and rode around with signs or window paint on their cars that read, Justice for Shane.
Maybe not the best course of action by the homeowner but the laws of the state found him not to have been in violation of the laws and did not press charges or even take him to jail.  That neighbor was across the alleyway a house behind or adjacent to said party and had not been pleased about the party. He may have been the one whom called about the very loud party late into the wee hours of the morning.

But, normally when hunting quail, pheasant, javelina, etc. in the desert it is wise to keep eyes open and dispatch any slithering snake who you don't see before being in threat distance.   Just blasting them willy nilly isn't proper, but they will not rattle in warning...often they bite then rattle...why warn your prey you are going to bite them...tough to catch much food when doing that.
Water Moccasins and Copperheads around here do not warn before striking...

Sometimes the laws of natural selection work as designed to thin the gene pool, these days with all the protections and finger pointing trying to prevent the stupid from being tougher or dead it seems more are surviving and thriving.

Yeah, it is too bad this Simple Machines Forum engine does not have the blocking or ignore feature.
The scroll function or arrowing down past the annoying party's blathering works when you chose not to participate or entertain their time wasting attempts.

Maybe they can add that when they fix the search function...
Anyone want to buy some nice prime real-estate in Southern Florida full of nature or a Bridge to Atlantis?
David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2017, 11:54:21 AM »
Hey Lloyd...I like the new digs! Neat to not have any neighbors either. Like the rural feel you have there. When you hosting the big SOHC house warming: beer, brats, burgers, tune ups. :)

Sure he will, would that be a $100 or $150/hour parking fee TT? 

Gotta break even after all on all that beer, burgers, brats, and any possible breakage that may happen...  ;) :D ;D    Can't be serving that cheap swill and low quality stuff found at those other lesser events, A man's gotta know his limitations and not compromise their tastes...
Besides, someone has to pay for all those repairs and costs of moving, right TT.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 11:57:09 AM by RAF122S »
David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2017, 06:07:50 AM »
I always found a shotgun would make quick work of any snake, normally one trigger pull did the job.

Had to chuckle at this one.  So would a stick of dynamite, both being somewhat overkill.  Most people bit by snakes are not paying attention to where they are going or what they are doing, never wise when you are outdoors, whether there are snakes around or not.  A rattlesnake is a pretty helpless creature really.  They can be killed with a stick or a rock.  But 99% of the time you don't have to kill them.  Just walk around them.  If given the opportunity, they will choose to escape, preferring to be away from activity.  But snake phobia is rampant, so a lot of snakes are needlessly killed.  Not to mention the similar looking snakes that meet their end because someone mistook them for a rattler.

Oh, and glad to see you back TT.
'75 CB750F

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2017, 11:41:53 AM »
You know, I've never hosted a house swarming.  Not really opposed.  But, never felt the house was ready.
And, with my rate of moving comparable to glacial movement,  I just can't imagine...

Snakes.   Well, I wasn't worried about them before...  I haven't wished the species any ill will since around puberty, before I learned they had a useful purpose.
Now, I suppose I'll have to load up a 45 with shotshell, as I don't think carrying around one of those little camping shovels is going to help much.  But, I suppose I could practice throwing it.  :o

Hmmm, If I dig a pit, will they come?  My tractor came with a digger and a 2' auger.  I thought I'd only use it to plant trees, but...

Most people bit by snakes are not paying attention to where they are going or what they are doing, never wise when you are outdoors, whether there are snakes around or not. 

This likely puts me at risk, then.  When I'm out doing yard work, I'm pretty focused on the specific task at hand.  Not so much admiring the surroundings or suspecting every nook as a snake hide.  Maybe I should invest in a walking stick?  I know I heard SOMETHING rustling behind that hedge growing up against the house.  I figured it was a rabbit.  Maybe not...

Oh, and glad to see you back TT.

Thanks for that.
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #46 on: May 10, 2017, 04:16:23 AM »
Lloyd,  Yes, I am very glad and happy to see you back.
Can you check in on Harsh's CB350 build for his daughter. It is having some weird timing issues with either Pamco or going back to points.,148371.400.html
It is over in the Project Bikes area under  Topic: 1972 CB350 For the Daughter  in the link I've provided above.

Yeah Greg I've not killed a snake in years.  I try not to bother them and unless they are somewhere it could affect a small child then they generally can be left to their own devices and steer clear around them.  It's their environment, we are invading most of the time.  Could be a mouse or a bunny or a squirrel or field mouse or a bird or any number of things.  A coworker started to leave her house one morning in Tucson and opened the interior door and started to open the screen door (uncommon on some houses) and then saw a big rattlesnake coiled up on her stoop. Had she stepped out she likely would have been bitten. It was attracted to her stoop and house by the birds nesting in the bushes at the front of the house.

Friend I mentioned with snake shot in her hand cannon. Had a rattler in her flower garden in the backyard.

I killed one in my storage unit that was attracted to the storage unit by mice and the droppings I found. It was right at the entrance coiled up. I dropped a big heavy box on it and trapped it and it couldn't get out. I was working in the unit and in the back and a big monsoon rain hit. It was evening and it had slithered up from the wash that was less than 50 feet away.  Drawn in by the mouse odor and droppings it detected.  It was looking for dinner. I was lucky as carrying a box you don't see them. I had dropped this box that was about 2 - 3 feet tall and 18" square I had emptied partially and nothing in it breakable I dropped it over a few other boxes near the door, never going around the corner. It had coiled up beside the boxes I had next to the door. I had a path back into the 10x20 and was going through stuff looking for some things as movers did not itemize the contents as they were suppose to and didn't even id what anything was. Did a very poor job of packing and lots of broken things as a result.
I dropped the box on it and must have knocked it out and then piling more stuff in it just dropping it in from arms length away over the other two boxes I never saw the snake until back in the storage unit later finding the rotten remains under the box and figured out it was a snake after figuring out the pattern on the skin on the outside of the gooey mess it had become over the couple months I had been out of it. It was right at the latch, so there would have been no way to exit and lock without being right in front of it as I normally closed it and opened it from the latch side.

I won't kill non-poisonous snakes and leave those in nature alone if possible, it is like I said, their home or backyard so to speak I am in...  Those I don't see until I am in striking distance (as long as the body outstretched for a can strike that distance away from where it is coiled if it wants to... so if it is 6 feet long (a bigger one) (but, I have seen some 9 footers between Benson and Sierra Vista AZ) then you are not going to be close enough to reach with a tool like a rake or shovel or most sticks. Throw rocks at a Mohave Viper and they will chase you down to bite you as they are aggressive and get angry, similar to a water moccasin.   One of the few snakes that will bring the fight to you.  They are pretty fearless, and I fear them.

Snakes do scare me, I won't lie. I've handled non poisonous and I just can't seem to get over the fear of them.  Don't want to have my BP at above 180 over 110-120 like I have had when dealing with high anxiety.
That is stroke level BPs, very unsafe.  Since several of father's and mother's direct relatives have had them and since I have sleep apnea I am more at risk for a stroke.  So, I don't want to have that anxiety...
Statistically most bites on males are on the arms or torso from them messing with the snake, females tend to be bitten on the legs.  If you are going to be stupid, you better be tough.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 04:19:04 AM by RAF122S »
David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #47 on: May 10, 2017, 06:28:42 AM »
We have very few venomous snakes here in NY. Copperheads, some Rattlers a bit north. When I go down to Wall street that is where you get pits filled with Vipers.  ;D ;D ;D

Nice looking place LLoyd, best of luck with it!
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Re: TwoTired sighted today
« Reply #48 on: May 10, 2017, 10:16:46 AM »
So true Bobby, those are the slimy snakes you really need to worry about!

In all my years of hiking, biking and floating in the great wilderness I have seen venomous snakes on maybe three occasions that I noticed.
The only encounter that was scary was when a copperhead wrapped itself around my leg when I was swimming in the river on a float trip and its head was blown clean off. Other than that they left me alone and me the same or I never noticed them.
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