Do you have the correct, matching clutch basket and hub in your bike?? The F2/3 parts cannot be mixed and matched with K clutch parts. Also, did you double check the splines on the hub?? If there is any wear from the plates eating into the aluminum, it could have an impact on the clutch locking up. I drag racer my bike with stock OEM plates and stock springs. I've had low 1.30, sixty foot times and run as quick as 10.36. I experienced no clutch slippage that was evident. During race day, we make many passes with relative consistency. A slipping clutch would not net repetitive ET's. Personally, I would start with a matching basket, hub, lifter plate and pressure plate using OEM clutches and Barnett springs. Buy a new clutch cable and properly adjust it with the correct free play at the lever. Too little play at the lever could be causing the clutch to remain partially engaged leading to slippage under heavy load.
Thanks for sharing your experiences guys!
Yes, the clutch has matching parts. I replaced my old K6 clutch with a fresher K6 found on eBay, basket and both hub parts (hub + plate with towers for springs) + primary hub that I sent to germany for new cush rubbers + new needle bearings).
Not the longer hub the later clutch got. Splines are OK. My old had small dents after the metals
I'll swap metal discs today + adding washers under springs. I'll also increase the play of the clutch lever since I have seen that play will change rather much if engine is cold or warm. I usually adjust that on the adjuster when riding.
The clutch has worked fine for around 3000km. A few gearing mistakes with slow clutch hand - quick throttle hand will polish the metals.
- Anyone here that tried the Dynoman +2 clutch?
I have EBC fibers in now. I have not much used CycleX plates that were prone to stick together really quick. Dragging clutch better then slipping

I'll do an oil change too. Use the oil leftovers I have. Motul 5100 semi + Motul 3000 mineral 20W-50. This to rinse the engine before change oil again to Red Line 20W-50.
Full synth specified to be OK with wet clutch must be OK, right?