You target a single, large city like New York as an example? The non-automotive contributing factors to urban air pollution have as much to do with air quality as anything else. Geography, climate zone, building density and height, pervious surface ratio vs square area, etc. Look at LA. Its still has completely crap AQ which is very much influenced by their climate and geography. Or are you saying all those evil "Lesser People" are all driving burned out old F-150s and contaminating your air?
You seem to be so polarized that simply because people think potential legislation is hogwash that they are irresponsible or morons. I know not a single person who wouldn't rather have cleaner air and water, but at what point are we chasing our own tail? The science behind it all is not irrefutable. There's plenty of good evidence that all agree upon to support doing more of the same, making continual improvements, and educating people on innovative measures. But to pigeonhole an economic segment of a population due to a presumed guilty class of vehicles is absurd. Its about as brilliant as the "Clunkers for Cash" program held here a few years back. An effort to remove older cars that were likely more polluting, stimulate the economy (falsely) and see flowers blooming everywhere on street corners. Yeah right. So what happens to all those perfectly decent cars? Yup landfills. Real smart. Oh, and the energy to collect, ship, destroy then grave them. Give me a break!
You said, "Of course a couple hundred or even a couple thousand 2 stroke motorcycles aren't going to wreak havoc on the worlds supply of breathable air. Let's be real." Well, in actual fact, look at the air quality in many Asian countries where 2-wheeled vehicles are the most popular. Even mopeds. All these belch carbon emissions into the world's breathable air and I don't see you running a petition for change there. Do you not believe or understand the air polluted there reaches you? The runoff of surface pollutants into the sea reaches you by tidal changes and evaporation?
See, in many obscure ways, you're guilty as heck. You purchase many things from Asian economies, vehicles in fact that are made there, shipped here, and driven here. Its the lifecycle of products that nobody pays attention to. You think simply because your vehicle is newer that its more environmentally efficient. Wrong. Perhaps while operating, sure. But to manufacture it, ship it, and deliver it, all contributes to the embodied energy of its carbon footprint. Hence, the tariffs on import/export vehicles (among many other reasons).
Instead of banning a class of vehicle, why not support a massive import tax on anything made elsewhere and that fee be spent making marked improvements in local geographies towards more energy efficient housing and buildings? I'll tell you why not, because the price of things would skyrocket and you'd be howling at the moon over the increases (just like those evil oil-burning "lessers" who may not be able to afford to repair or replace their cars). MY point: like many who advocate for legislation, you aren't even considering the real problem. More laws don't fix simple problems. Simple solutions fix big problems.