What I love, in the most ironic sense of regulation horse hockey, is the VW diesel fines. $17BILLION dollars!
My understanding of the story from all that I've read: VW engineers in a search to quiet their diesel engines at idle, stop lights, etc, found a tweak in the software to accomplish this. So they implemented it. It also demonstrated that it improved fuel mileage. Consequently, under "test" conditions, it also passed this emissions tests, but did not maintain the same "settings" during normal driving (apparently it had a sensor to detect the presence of test equipment and manipulated to running configuration).
So this software actually improved mileage (used LESS fuel, polluted LESS as a result) ran quieter (more environmentally sensitive to neighboring drivers, who likes a clacking diesel next to them?) and passed the test. But somehow, the US EPA determines that an intentional work around is criminal. So let's tack a $17B fine on them. And do what with that money?
Someone please prove who was injured, who died, or how many polar bears left as a result. Not a single human being can tie their health issues directly to these vehicles. You can not provide a scintilla of evidence that the environment was damaged (other than theory and hypothesis) or that passing a test means "always" ON. If I were VW, I'd tell the DOJ/EPA to stuff it. Good thing I don't run the zoo
On the other hand, let's look at GM. Their ignition switch which was directly tied to 56 deaths and 87 injuries. The penalty from the Feds? $750Million. Yep, lives are worth more than trees and polar bears. And of the 87 injured or 56 dead, they can sue independently or receive a single $1Million and waive their right to compensation otherwise. Lovely. FCUK the EPA and the DOJ when it comes to environmental fines.