Well it's Friday here and I had to take a day off work as my poor old battered back had me doubled over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and even though I'd taken enough ibuprofen and paracetamol to kill a small elephant, I was still feeling poorly. Still, it's hard to keep a redneck down, so by the time I'd had some coffee and toast, I crawled out to the patio in search of adventure.
Another little job that I needed to do was replace the 45 mm bolts at the back of the swingarm with 65mm bolts and nyloc nuts, as the thread on one side of the swinger was a bit suspicious, and as the lowering blocks rely on a nice firm bolt holding them in place, it was an imperative. I didn't buy new bolts, no-sirree-Bob, I found a couple of 75 mm bolts, ran a die over them to thread them further along, then lopped 10mm off the ends of each.
Redneck Friday Test Ride 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Redneck Friday Test Ride 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Redneck Friday Test Ride 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Ron was saying that my bike needs more chrome, and he's right of course, so I was happy that the auto door edge protective edging I'd bought arrived in the mail this morning, so I cut off about a dollars worth, and I think it now looks a million dollars, what a great investment!
Redneck Friday Test Ride by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I very carefully lowered the bike off the bench, and I'm happy to report that my little "Patient lifter that could" happily lifted the bike and allowed me to pull it away from the bench and lower it onto the patio floor, without it smashing into a thousand bits. Thanks motorcycle building Gods!
Redneck Friday Test Ride 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Well, what's left? I hooked up the fuel lines, stole some more fuel outta my big black BMW, added some Lucas upper cylinder lubricant, lead replacement and some Pro-Ma fuel system cleaner, and dumped it into the tank. The engine fired right up, and I was pleased that with that idle mixture screw adjustment that I did the other day, it doesn't feel so lean.
I installed a pair of mirrors, and called it good. Hmmnn, so was it time for it's maiden voyage? Fcuk yeah! Now of course the "Elephant in the room" from almost day one has been that gear tooth that I found in the oil pan when I was giving it a once over.
K6 engine prep 14 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I knew that least 1st gear worked ok, but was expecting at least one extra neutral where a gear should have been, but no, it's got all 5 gears, and goes great! I only rode it around the block a few times, but went thru all the gears and had no issues at all, woohoo! Well, I did notice a little drip of oil from the alternator cover when it's on the sidestand, but otherwise, no problemo.
I've still gotta paint a tank and sidecovers for it, but apart from that and getting the charging system working, I think it's pretty much done! Cheers, Terry.
Redneck Friday Test Ride 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Redneck Friday Test Ride 7 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr