Well it's Friday night here as I type this drivel, but not just any Friday night, it's the Australian Football League (AFL) Grand Final Eve! Why do I care, you ask? Well because it's a public holiday of course, so I have an extra day this weekend to get sh1t done! Of course Murphy's law rules supreme, and the weather forecast for the whole three days is pretty crap, cold(ish) showers, windy, blah blah blah. Emily, another of the family's big fat cats probably had the right idea, and hardly moved from the freshly washed towels.
Emily the cat 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyhoo, I cleaned up my front wheel mounting hardware and mounted my shiny front wheel and brake caliper mount.
Redneck swiss cheese brakes by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
The next issue, that ended up taking up most of my day, was the fcuking caliper. I had several to choose from, but they were all in a sh1t state, so I chose one that was still complete. Getting it apart was easy, well, until I had to remove the old brake pad and piston. The old pad was seriously welded in place, and no amount of heat and WD40 would move it, so I had to drill it out. Then I realised that the PO had installed the piston backwards, so I couldn't use a bearing puller to remove it, nor could I blow it out explosively with compressed air, or explosives. Fark.............
Anyway, cunning and guile won the day, I'd found a new piston that I'd bought from someone here years ago, it's one of those brown plastic ones, which meant I didn't have to save the old piston, so I drilled and tapped it for a 10mm bolt, to draw the piston out. Easy peasy!
Redneck swiss cheese brakes 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Redneck swiss cheese brakes 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
By the time I'd done all this it was getting dark, so I packed up, and came inside. Tomorrow I'll bead blast the caliper and shoot some paint onto it, and maybe finish off my wiring, hell, I might even stop for a while and watch the game! Cheers, Terry Bob.

Redneck swiss cheese brakes 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr