The standard dvm isn't the best tool for measuring small ohms values. A milliohm meter is a far better tool for that.
But, your standard dvm is pretty good at determining small voltage values. If you recall ohms law E = I x R. So, with a circuit that has current flowing, resistance will directly effect the voltage flowing through it. And, the more current flowing the greater effect resistance will have on the voltage drop.
Your measurements have already shown drops of 1v or more. So, your circuit has the current flowing for your test voltmeter to find small resistance drops. Here is a suggested test process:
Clip your negative dvm lead to the battery negative.
Place your pos meter lead on the green connection to your regulator. The meter reads directly how much voltage is lost between those two test lead positions. The only reason for that v lost is unwanted resistance in pathway connections, and the resistance of the wires themselves. Ideally, it would be zero. But, that's a physical impossibility. So, we settle for very low values, in the order of .1v (or less). If you have larger numbers than that, then you can "walk" the pos probe back along the physical path toward the battery Neg terminal, and note where there is a big numerical jump, inferring a large resisteive element has been located.
The same process can be performed on the battery positive distribution path. Clip one lead/meter probe to the battery POS terminal, and the other on a black wire ( at the vreg, for example). The meter will read directly the voltage differrence (Vlost) between its probe points and infer the magnitude of resistance between them. Again, you can "probe walk" along the physical path between probes, to find the largest drops along the path, and address the corrosion, oxidation, or otherwise poor connectivity issues.
Just remember that the voltmeter registers the potential difference between its probe tips. So, if you suspect the key switch, for example place one probe on the red connection and the other on the Black connection, activate the circuit and read directly what v drop occurs within the key switch. But, recall that the magnitude of the V drop will directly proportional to the current flowing through it. Even a faulty switch won't show a drop if there are no current loads passing through it.
The physical path is revealed by the wire diagram, btw.
An aberration to make note of, is the voltage loss of a depleting battery, which must not be confused with a resistance loss in circuit. A battery charger, or other power supply can be used in conjunction with, or in place, of the battery for test purposes. The bike's alternator can be used, too. But, you should have a fan to cool the motor during "chase" procedures.
Hope this helps. I feel this procedure is more definitive than chasing ohms with a standard DVM.