For ignition system, I've had the original points system, a Dyna-S, and a Pamco. The points were ok but...finicky as points can be. Dyna died on me after about 3-4 years. It was a slow death that took a huge amount of time to finally diagnose. I've got a Pamco in there now and it's been 100% for the last two years. If I were to do it all again, I'd really consider something with an optical trigger, I think Cycle-X has one. Might be others as well. If I understand it correctly, it does away with the spring-loaded advance mechanism, which is pretty finicky to get dialled right in on account of old stretched out springs.
Also consider suspension. Ikon makes AWESOME rear shocks, and a member here provides member-discounts. They are rebuildable and adjustable. I put some on this summer and just love 'em. For the front, I stuck with Progressive springs. If you wanna go full blast, you could do a modern sport bike front end conversion. Or split the difference and do a Goldwing front end to keep it looking period-correct but with a dual disc.
For electronics, if you're going to redo the switches and lights, look into an M-unit. It can really clean up the wiring and keep things simple. Put in a solid state R/R while you're there. Also for the headlight, I think an H4 is the most common conversion as it keeps the stock lens/housing. If you're open to ditching that entirely for something else, you've got lots of options. Please share what you have! I've wanted a good LED light for my 750 but haven't found something yet.
EDIT - I just re-read your post and realized you're doing an F front end and want mostly used parts. Sorry, my list won't be very useful then, lol