Cal - the engine smokes all the time, even at idle. It just smokes the worst after engine braking and then rolling on. But there is definitely a steady stream of blue smoke coming out the pipe. I did replace the intake valve guide seals when I rebuilt the engine, everything was OEM/Honda.
If there is a break in the oil orifice seal, would that show up in a compression or leak down test? I'd guess if it's the oil seal, I should have even compression across the board. If I have low compression on #4, I'd suspect a ring issue. Does that logic hold true? Or would the leaky seal result in lost compression as well?
I've never actually done a leak down test before, only compression. So the idea is you set the cylinder to TDC, apply pressure via the spark plug hole with an air compressor, and use a mechanics stethoscope to identify where the air is leaking out, correct?
So if I could hear air leaking into the crank case, that's a ring issue?
And if I hear air escaping into the head, is that a valve seat issue, or a guide issue? I had new seats cut, so how would I identify a valve guide issue?