I added a bike to the stable with the intention of just having a nice/reliable and 'stock classic' to ride. With the big comfy seat, I might actually get my girl friend on the back of this one...
Here she is, a 1978 CB550K with 11k miles. She is far from perfect but a very nice survivor. All stock with the addition of a PERFECT condition Kerker 4-1 exhaust system with baffle.
Running out of room:
#4 carb was PISSING gas so I took off the carbs already and started a rebuild. Someone has been in here before and there are mismatching bolts all over the place. (One of the carb bowls actually had a "tighten only" screw head on it, I hate all previous owners... )
The side covers are not matching, one is a early model and the other is a late. They do not have emblems on them either and have been repainted but don't look great up close.
The master cylinder was leaking so I pulled the reproduction unit off of my other project and slapped it on here. So far it seems to work great, but the brake is rubbing just a little bit when Im pushing it (its not locked up or anything, there is just a little resistance).
Tires are DRY to the bone and cracking. I have some Avons on the way.