ok... as a backup for the moment...
upload your pics there
when you want to display them here you'll want to copy the url link below the pic... photobucket is cool because if you simply left click that link it will shortly give you a copied box telling you that it is copied so you can paste it else where
then, you click the img button above the wink and cheesy smiley
then you'll paste that link between the two image brackets

do not copy the image link from photobucket because sohc forums wants lower case [img] not[IMG] which is what photobucket tacks on... it works for most sites but not this one.
if you guys would be willing to do this it would make the size of pictures you can display a lot larger! it would not take up valuable space on here... yada yada yada
mlinder? do you know that as truth or are you just speculating/spouting?