I do worry that the humidity changes will be harmful to my guitars, though.
what do you have lloyd?
More than I should, I suppose.
I worry most about the 1967 Martin D28.
The Guild 12 string is nearly as old, 212 Model??
I have an Ibanez Concorde acoustic, all blonde. Plays nice. But, none of my other acoustics approach the sound of the Martin.
An ovation six string that I got as a project and repaired the broken head. It plays well now. Can really only play that standing up, cause it curls up when resting your arm on the top. An Ovation trait due to the rounded back.
But the Gibson ES330 is a concern, too. Its a 68 model IIRC.
Not so much worried about the solid body Les Pauls, a 73 Custom, all Black, A Les Paul recording 78, I think. And a Less Paul Artisan.
Also have an M75 Bluesbird Guild. Hollow body.
Roland GR-808, and GR-500 solid bodies. Made by Ibanez, I think.
Ibanez MC1
Have a couple of Strat copies. They are project guitars assembled from parts and are a work in progress. Sound great but playability is wanting due to small fret radius. I have a Compound fret radius Warmoth neck to fit when I get time.
Have an unknown brand "parlor guitar" I inherited. Quite old. Early 1900's...about. Nylon strung with a coffin wood case. Smallish, but sounds good for it's size. Nice looking, wood has got a bunch of small dents/dings, on the top though.
I also have a Univox Bass Japanese copy that looks like what Paul McCartney played. Came to me in the 70's.
I plan on building more guitars in my new shop. ...If there is time.
that's quite a collection. maybe you'll need a climate controlled room for them. i have a canadian solid top parlor size that the top bowed a bit in one corner after we moved into the new house. it's since settled back a little but it's not flat. still plays ok.