Pretty much anything can be fixed, given enough time money and effort. Have you attacked it with a multimeter yet? Checked for continuity?
In the early sixties, I rewound my neighbors washing machine motor as a high school shop project. The starting winding was fried since it didn't cut off when the armature attained speed. Tedious work done in a series of classroom work periods, removing the burnt windings, and laying in new copper windings. Neighbors were elated to have their washing machine working again. And I got a good grade.
Btw, know that 1hp is 750 watts. Your 888 is likely the start up consumption, not continuous duty, which is 1/2 hp.
Still, that should be plenty power for mowing, as long as you don't lug the motor so the starting winding re- engages.
I have an old black & decker electric rotary mower. 18" cut. On top of the deck is a plastic housing 10-11 inches tall and about 8 inches in diameter. One day I hit a branch with the motor housing and it popped off, revealing a universal brushed motor the size of a small hand drill. It still mows grass, but it looks silly.