I'm messing with the carbs ('70 CB750). I have the carbs on a wood rack on the bench and I'm doing a clear-tube level test. I set #1 with the float adjusting tool. I rechecked that setting by holding the tool in place with fuel on and watched that the fuel stopped and started flowing at the correct height. But when I put everything together and turn on the fuel (I'm using kerosene for the test), the fuel only rises to about 20mm from the carb body (where the float setting tool registers). It seems to me that when I've done this before, the fuel level was pretty close to the top of the bowl - but I can't remember much of anything these days.
There's no data I can find on actual fuel height, only float settings, that I can find. Can anyone provide that number? If not, a ball park (top of bowl, middle of bowl......
So far, this test is not filling me with confidence.