Author Topic: Dropping anchor and roasting spiders  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline eigenvector

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Dropping anchor and roasting spiders
« on: June 24, 2017, 01:19:12 PM »
wonderful day out.  Took the Sabre on a little trip around the countryside.
I'm loving that bike, it feels so good. 

Had to drop anchor at an intersection.  Seattle has hills, hills hills and more hills.  Well, on this particular route - highway, there's a lighted intersection at the bottom of a short steep hill.  Can't see the light until you're almost on it.  Of course it turns just as I crest the hill, see a car pull into the intersection, grab the brakes, front tire squealing, bike stops at the line "Whew!" then promptly dies (I'm guessing the fuel was pressed against the front wall of the bowl and the idle jet was sucking air).  Light turns - go about my merry way.

Get back home, the CB550 was looking at me - so I hit the starter, battery dies.  Crap.  Walk over to the CB750 Limited, it starts right up with a tank full of 2 month old gas and water in the bowls.  This bike is like a lawn mower - it will run on anything.  I haven't had it out for a while because of other projects, so the grass is growing around the pipes, the front tire is flat'ish, there's a huge nest of spiders under the tank making a home between the #2 and #3 carb.

Bike is warming up, I pump up the front tire, promptly lose the valve stem cap, back the bike up out of the weeds and take off.  It's running like a top.  Backfiring a bit, but rancid gas will do that to you ;D.  I get back home with a dead speedometer, but hey I have some char-broiled spider for lunch, grill marks courtesy of the head.
2018 HD Softail Heritage
1979 CB750K Limited Edition
1977 CB550K
1984 CB700SC Nighthawk
1983 VF750S Sabre

Offline rocket johnny

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Re: Dropping anchor and roasting spiders
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2017, 09:08:07 PM »
 8)  well you made it home with out pushing a dead bike

Offline eigenvector

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Re: Dropping anchor and roasting spiders
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2017, 09:56:50 AM »
First concern I had with the Sabre.  The regulator wires and harness were toasted and the silicon diode melted when I got the bike.  Repaired the harness and got a new regulator and diode - but those first few rides, man was I watching the voltage.  It's a CDI bike, so when the battery dies it begins to exhibit surging and cutting out which makes it real unpredictable.  <No power, no power, FULL POWER!, no power...> :o
2018 HD Softail Heritage
1979 CB750K Limited Edition
1977 CB550K
1984 CB700SC Nighthawk
1983 VF750S Sabre

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Re: Dropping anchor and roasting spiders
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 08:16:37 PM »
First concern I had with the Sabre.  The regulator wires and harness were toasted and the silicon diode melted when I got the bike.  Repaired the harness and got a new regulator and diode - but those first few rides, man was I watching the voltage.  It's a CDI bike, so when the battery dies it begins to exhibit surging and cutting out which makes it real unpredictable.  <No power, no power, FULL POWER!, no power...> :o

Man, I am not hearing the best things about early CDI box bikes.
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"There are some things nobody needs in this world, and a bright-red, hunch-back, warp-speed 900cc cafe racer is one of them — but I want one anyway, and on some days I actually believe I need one.... Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba." Hunter S. Thompson, Song of the Sausage Creature, Cycle World, March 1995.  ( and

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