Author Topic: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?  (Read 3407 times)

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Offline Scott S

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1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« on: June 24, 2017, 06:02:28 PM »
 I swear I'm not crazy...
Re-installing the battery box, which was out when I got the bike. I unplugged the wires to snake them around the box and somehow ended up with two Y/R wires. I SWEAR I unplugged those from each other. I can't find any type of jumper that I may have dropped. And then there's the Gr/R wire, which should be the neutral wire. Where the heck do these wires go!?
 I only have a Clymers manual. It shows nothing. It seems to me that maybe I'm missing some sort of starter safety relay, but Google is failing me right now. What am I missing?

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Offline koendd

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2017, 12:31:06 AM »
yellow red should go to starter button.

The green one is a safetywire ( clutch or kickstand or neutral indeed). easier to just ground it and never worry about it again :)

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Offline Scott S

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2017, 04:14:16 AM »
 The yellow/red are both male. Can I just make a jumper with two female ends to connect them together and just leave the green/red loose? Or does it need to be grounded?
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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 05:39:48 AM »
just check if the other red/yellow is going to the starter button. should only be one wire like that in the harness, strange you have two males though.

as I said, ground the green one, if you leave it like that it'll never start... the green is the ground.

as I can see from here: yellow red goes to a plug on the Rec/Reg

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Offline Scott S

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2017, 06:15:05 AM »
 The regulator is there and plugged in properly. Only three wires (green, yellow and black) and they are all plugged in.
 The rectifier is missing, but I have one on the way and it just plugs into a 4-prong plug. Even looking at pics of OG used rectifiers, there are no other wires coming off it, other than the 4-prong plug.

 There is a male Yellow/Red wire on the solenoid and a male Yellow/Red coming from the main harness. There is a female Green/Red on the solenoid. There is NOT another Green/Red wire anywhere in the vicinity of the solenoid.
 Those are the only stray wires on the solenoid. Everything else is connected (main power, wire to starter, etc.). It looks like I'm missing some sort of safety relay but I can't find one listed anywhere.

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Offline 02z06dave

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 07:43:56 AM »
I've run into this issue once before and it was the wrong solenoid for the bike. Luckily, in my case, i had a correct one in my stash so i didnt have to try to make it work. Have you looked into that as a possibility?

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2017, 08:31:03 AM »
 Found this via a Google search:
"Neutral wire is light green/red while some solenoids had a dark green/red.

The other wire coming from the solenoid should be yellow/red and connects into the wire of the same color in the harness.

The dark green/red wire can be grounded directly. This will bypass all of the following (if you have them): neutral switch, clutch switch, and side stand switch.

In essence, you remove all the "safety" features so that the starter will engage any time you press the starter button.

 It looks like if I make a female-female jumper and connect the two male Y/R wires, then ground the Gr/R wire, it should work, but I just won't have any safety features, correct?
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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 09:30:45 AM »
Think I got it. Looks like it's the wrong solenoid. Here's a stock one. I can make a jumper for the Y/R wires and connect the Gr/R to power.

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2017, 09:52:38 AM »
 Just dug through my parts pile and it looks like that's a CB550 solenoid on the 360. I plan in making a female-female jumper for the Y/R wires and connect them together. Then make a female-male jumper for the Gr/R and plug it into the black power wires coming from the main harness.
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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2017, 10:02:00 AM »
 Tell me this.... Is there a POS and NEG side to the solenoid? I know the post goes to the + on the battery, but on those wires, does it matter?

 Remember I said I KNEW I unplugged them? Could the Gr/R have been plugged into the Y/R from the main harness and the Y/R on the solenoid plugged into the BLACK power from the main harness? Would it work plugged up "backwards" that way?
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Offline 02z06dave

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2017, 10:02:52 AM »
Just dug through my parts pile and it looks like that's a CB550 solenoid on the 360. I plan in making a female-female jumper for the Y/R wires and connect them together. Then make a female-male jumper for the Gr/R and plug it into the black power wires coming from the main harness.

Why not just cut the plugs off and crimp on the ones you need vs. making a jumper?

Offline 02z06dave

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2017, 10:06:58 AM »
Tell me this.... Is there a POS and NEG side to the solenoid? I know the post goes to the + on the battery, but on those wires, does it matter?

 Remember I said I KNEW I unplugged them? Could the Gr/R have been plugged into the Y/R from the main harness and the Y/R on the solenoid plugged into the BLACK power from the main harness? Would it work plugged up "backwards" that way?

With those wires, I do not believe one is + and one -.

Offline Scott S

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2017, 10:47:31 AM »
Tell me this.... Is there a POS and NEG side to the solenoid? I know the post goes to the + on the battery, but on those wires, does it matter?

 Remember I said I KNEW I unplugged them? Could the Gr/R have been plugged into the Y/R from the main harness and the Y/R on the solenoid plugged into the BLACK power from the main harness? Would it work plugged up "backwards" that way?

With those wires, I do not believe one is + and one -.

 That would explain why they were plugged in ( I KNEW I wasn't imagining un-plugging them!). They had the Y/R going to power and the Gr/R attached to the main the Y/R coming from the starter button.
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Offline koendd

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Re: 1975 CB360 starter safety relay?
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2017, 10:24:26 AM »
like I said before, ground the green one! do not connect it to the black ones since that is a positive one...

if you connect the yellow/red to the black, it will engage starter motor the moment you turn the key and it won't stop...
yellow needs to go to the starter button.

green is the ground for neutral switch, clutch safety (to detect you're either in neutral or holding the clutch lever). just ground it, because they sometimes go funky and you won't be able to start.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 10:27:11 AM by koendd »
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