"Plug chops" is a shorthand abbreviation for the process.
Have a test track in front of you after the engine is at operating temperature.
Stop engine, install new/or known clean plugs with no deposits on the tips or center electrode insulator.
Start bike, accelerate at one and only one throttle position, or 15-30 seconds. (I start with W.O.T.) Simultaneously Chop throttle, Hit the kill switch, and pull in clutch.
Come to a stop and remove spark plugs, noting the deposits made on the spark plug tips and center electrode insulator.
Compare deposits to this chart:
http://www.dansmc.com/Spark_Plugs/Spark_Plugs_catalog.html#1Make changes as appropriate to attain the plug deposit pattern for the throttle setting used in the test.
If there were no deposits, you can reuse without cleaning for the next throttle position test. Otherwise new plugs or a cleaning of the used one can be done.
You don't want a previous test run's deposits to contaminate the next test results.
This process is repeated until WOT, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and idle RPM "plug chops" all show the desired deposit patterns on the plugs.
Go ride.
If you can get to a DYNO facility, they can load the engine and give a fuel map by sniffing the exhaust during the run. You can then make adjustments to all the ranges outside of desired requirements. Then repeat the DYNO run for a corrected fuel map. A good tech will only make 2 or 3 runs to get the carbs dialed in, assuming the carbs are working properly.
The dyno should also make a HP and torque map for your engine.